Web Development Services

WordPress,WordPress Plugins,WordPress Themes,Codeigniter,Ecom,APIs,Scalability,Security

Great Software & Giving Back

Kneejerk Development's main goal is to give back to the WordPress community with strong, FREE, and easy to use plugins.

WordPress Plugins

Menu Swapper

Enables you to configure menus in your theme to swap out when a visitor is logged in. Perfect for those pesky login/log out buttons!

Digital Content Memberships

Accept payments and limit access to your content. Featuring products, plans, coupons, affiliates, paywall features, welcome email customizations, and more!

Gutpunch Performance

Performance insights into your site with unparalleled information that works on all hosts!


Data Wamp.us

Perfect for IoT projects, Data Wamp.us allows you to squirrel small bits of data away for retrieval later in an api without signing up! It's easy as that!


Yet Another Secret Project that will leverage the power of technology to help people make meaningful connections.